Role Playing Genre Hack Exe Cartoon Wars

Genre Hack Exe Cartoon Wars



Cartoon Wars hack tool



This game is fun but when I updated me phone it said developer has to update game. I was made because I was on stage 160 and then it said the game is outdated when I tried to play it. But the game was fun and I had to quit it because it kicked me out and said the developer has to make more updates. I hope this game gets more updates because it’s boring now but I still can’t play the game because I have a iPhone 6s. I played CartoonWars for a week and got to level 156 and then the game needs more update. So I left the game because it was not meant for my phone again. But there is this new game called cartoon wars 3 and it does not look that fun so I quit playing all the cartoon wars so thx for reading this and I hope they update the old cartoon wars and put more weapons and battle against your friends while your bored or want something to play. I hope game get better some day 😔😔😔😔
Size=12,6 Megabytes
Cartoon Wars is an arcade war game which combines the formulas of defense and real-time strategy games
Purchase=500,000 Gold
324 vote




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